Sunday, November 3, 2013

Face Mapping: What are your zits telling you?

How often do you break-out? Is it concentrated in one particular area of your face?

There are times when I experience horrible, painful break outs. There are a lot of reasons that can contribute to skin break out. Usually I get them when I eat too much oily and salty foods, or when I don’t drink plenty of water. 

What I’m going to share with you now is all about these spots and what they are telling you in relation to your internal health.

Have you ever heard of face mapping? This is an ancient art that can help you identify the cause of your blemishes by splitting the face into several sections. And each sections reflect different part of your internal health.

Zones 1 & 3: Digestive System
If you have high amounts of fats in your diet, this could lead  you to break out on your forehead. Cleanse your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Take anti-oxidant supplements such as Vitamins A, C and E. Increase your water intake. Green tea also helps.

Zone 2: Liver
Alcohol and dairy are the main culprit for spots in this area. Limit your dairy intake of dairy and alcohol or just remove alcohol altogether. You may also consult your doctor first if you have food allergies or intolerance with dairy products.

Zones 4, 6, 8 and 10: Kidneys
Spots close to your ears and even dark circles around your eyes can be caused by dehydration. Increase your water intake to hydrate your body. Avoid coffee, and salty foods.

Zone 7: Heart

This area of the face is full of dilated pores, so make sure you clean your make up brushes, sponges or anything that you use on your face. Reduce high blood pressure for internal solution. Replace bad fats with good fats like nuts and omega 3 rich food. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Zone 5 & 9: Respiratory System
If you are a smoker you will notice your spots  appear along the top of your cheeks. Increasing your exposure to fresh air and regular exercise will do wonders. And of course giving up on those little sticks will be the key.

Zone 11 & 13: Hormones

For us women, breakouts in this area indicates hormonal imbalances particularly around a certain time of the month or stress. There is little to do that can prevent these changes, but eating healthy with plenty of exercise will help.

Zone 12: Stomach
If your diet is loaded with rich, heavy, fatty and salty foods then spots will appear in this area. A detox, food rich in fiber and exercise will help in your digestion.

Zone 14: Ilness
Spots in this area indicates that your body is trying to fight off bacteria. Drink plenty of water and consult your doctor if you begin to feel unwell.

I hope this face mapping  gave you an idea what to do with your blemishes and spots.

Remember eating healthy, exercise and drinking plenty of water are key to a healthy skin!
Thanks for reading!

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